Thursday, September 9, 2010

My new blog! The Barn Store

Welcome to my new blog....The Barn Store. I'm hoping to update it on a regular basis as new things arrive in the store or just daily happenings. Please check back often.

This week we have lots of fruit....peaches, nectarines, pears and also some winter squash. We still have produce out of our garden and still more to come. Tomatoes are just starting but I don't think there will be many. Not a good tomato year. Of course we still have lots of zucchini and crookneck squash. We dug over 200 garlic heads and they are drying but will be in the barn soon.

There's new jam on the shelves! I think my favorite is the Blue Raspberry, raspberry with blueberries. Also, there's pear/raspberry which is quite interesting. The grandkids love it. It has a quiet pear taste with that yummy raspberry flavor. The regulars on the shelf are pear butter, strawberry and strawberry/rhubarb. I should be making blackberry soon.

This Saturday is chicken butcher day. If you'd like to put some of these delicious chickens in your freezer for the winter please stop by prior to that or give me a call/email to get on the list. I have a few left. They are soooo yummy! I think this will be our last batch of the year. We'll also have a limited number of stewing hens available.

Eggs are still quite a popular item......maybe due to the salmonella scare. If you want to be sure to get some call/email ahead of time. They go fast! We'll be getting a new batch of laying chicks within a month so they'll be ready to give us eggs in the spring. I'll keep you posted as to when they arrive. They are so cute as babies.

Come check out the regulars in the store. My knitting buddies have put a few things in along with my stuff. The granola and trail mix go out of here like crazy. I have to admit that they are both so good. The handbutter I make is so soothing for those gardeners or winter chapped hands. And, of course, there's always Saturday mini pie day. This Saturday will be mixed berry and peach. You gotta try one (or maybe more) of these little delicacies!

We're open most every day except Tuesday and Friday morning. I try to have my sign at the end of our road up by 10:00 and down by 6:00. The Barn is a great place to pull up a chair and sit for a spell. Hope to see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I'm very impressed! You're a busy lady! Wish I could pop in and go shopping. I'll look you up next time I'm on the island...
